She provides tools and coaching as an entrepreneurship mentor.
She is a Free, Enterprising, Adventurous and Curious Woman of Life
15 years working as a Strategic Organization Consultant for the financial industry
I want to show you that you can change your life and begin today to build the life you have always dreamed of!
It’s possible to live your dreams instead of dreaming your life!
The digital economy is currently booming, and it has never offered as many opportunities like it is today.
Internet is accessible by all regardless of geographic origin, social class, level of education, occupation, and experience. This represents the largest mass of people of all time, gathered in the same place, with the most diverse centers of interest.
Have you thought about the fact that internet can transform your life?
-> Work and live differently,
-> Find ways to make a living without sacrificing your freedom and interests,
-> Uncover the means that will help you combine pleasure and work.
The good news is: there are serious education programs that allow us to do it! This teaching has transformed my life for the better and daily fullest satisfaction! Today, I know why I get up every morning, and I love what I do every single day of my life!
Why am I talking to you about this digital education?
Because this can be the key that will open the doors of a new way of life, like this was the case for me.
Some of the most successful companies in the world are online businesses! Their leaders understood that our traditional economic model has certainly reached its limits and that the digital economy is in the process of taking over.
The revenues generated by an online entrepreneur are free of charges such as rent, staff, and various maintenance costs; the profits of an online business are therefore much higher than those of a traditional company with storefront!
I realized that I wanted to be part of this extraordinary transformation movement to not miss the wonderful opportunities that would befall me.
It could be the case for you too!
Internet is today the place to be: learning how to use digital tools and social networks to promote yourself became a must. Imagine operating without technology: it is very likely that very soon it would become impossible for you to reach your audience and communicate with it.
So, how to be part of the Internet era and benefit from it?
Concrete and pragmatic teaching is necessary to learn how to use it professionally to be credible and prosperous. This is what I did. I trained myself to become a professional online marketer. It totally transformed my life.
I have today two online businesses that I can manage from anywhere in the world. I only need my laptop and an internet connection to manage everything remotely. This is what is called a laptop lifestyle!Both of my businesses serve my passion: helping others. On one side I am acting as an entrepreneurship mentor thanks to my experience as a strategic organization consultant. And on the other side, I am a natural health practitioner who helps people regain their natural ability to be healthy, physiologically and psychologically.
I worked for 15 years as a strategic organization consultant for some of the best-rated banks in the world. Coming from Europe, I have lived for seven years in the USA. I have an MBA. I speak three languages. I am an entrepreneur, but probably like you:
I am looking to improve my quality of life!
The corporate world did not suit me anymore. I felt locked in the formal constraints of the traditional working world. Time pressure, endure stress, had become unbearable. I had a job, but I could also constantly feel that anxiety that it could all stop suddenly, leaving me without resources overnight. Whether you are employed or on your account, you are still dependent on someone else: your boss or the customer. I did not want more.
I became aware of the fact that I was undergoing my professional life and that I lacked freedom, but I couldn’t see any other options. After all, I was making a very good living, without passion, of course, but it paid the bills. How to do otherwise?
My lifestyle was affected by my professional activity. I am sporty. I always liked swimming to clear my head. Dance to entertain me. Meditation is a way for me to disconnect myself from practical reality to join a space of peace and harmony.
I did not have time anymore for all these activities that do me good. My psychic and physiological balance would suffer if I did not do anything. I had to act.
There are so many examples of people who have lost their health because of stress and anxiety related to their professional activity. I did not want to be part of this category.
I needed more freedom and a source of money to be able to sustain myself, but how to combine the two?
I decided to “add ropes to my professional bow”. I put my consultant career on hold and left the financial world to become a natural health practitioner and hypnotherapist. The human body has always fascinated me, and I am convinced that the body can heal itself if we do not interfere with our lifestyle and thoughts. Hippocrates was the first naturopath, and that inspired me.
So, I got my degrees to be legitimate in the fields that I had a passion for. I established my new business as a therapist and resumed my freelance consultant activities.
I started, at last, to live my life: the one I had always wanted. Living your dreams is exhilarating and quickly becomes a great source of inspiration: do not wait any longer to do likewise!
From there, I was doing what I loved to do, but the problem of my clientele expansion soon arose: I was not making enough money to hope to live decently of my new activities. That’s where I met online a famous Youtube speaker who explained how she had done to leave the corporate world and a very lucrative position to become a successful online entrepreneur.
That’s how I learned about this online education platform, and it changed everything! I learned how to use the internet to make me know and develop my businesses.
I had no experience in this area and very few technical skills, but this has not been an obstacle. This teaching brings you everything you need by guiding you step by step, at your own pace. It’s not difficult, but it requires personal investment to go through the process.
This is not a “get rich and quick” scheme! I have been persevering, and it paid off! I can say today that without any basic knowledge, I have become an online professional who can market just about anything she wishes.
Whether or not you have a product or service to market online, this education will give you the skills you need for the make. I am so thankful to have seized this opportunity and to have trained myself with serious people who have always been there when I needed help.
If you choose to do like me, this could be the solution to put in motion the life and the projects you’ve always dreamed of!
-> If you feel dissatisfied or frustrated by your current job or activity,
-> If that life does not bring you more happiness
Don’t lose that precious time, life is too short, and come join us!
I have so much more satisfaction in my life now!
-> I do not have to go anymore looking for customers because I learned how to make it so that customers come to me,
-> I can manage my businesses from anywhere in the world and do my mentoring and natural health consultations remotely,
-> I have more freedom to travel, more time for myself while enjoying financial abundance!
If you’re ready to discover how you could also change your life through this teaching and these revolutionary tools, I invite you to look at those free webinars that explain to you in detail how you could also set-up and benefit from a laptop lifestyle!
Remember that results may vary, and the success of any business relies on individual performance and effort. Please read all disclaimers before investing in ANY business!